
Do better stories lead to better health? We beleive they do.

Health Heard is a new service that supports you to identify, record and share what’s going on for you and your health in a different, more structured way.

Filling out a simple yet thorough questionnaire creates an easy to understand Health Story report. You can see how it works here.

These reports help you, your doctor, your specialist or someone who cares for you to see your health more clearly – all in one go.

This is helpful at an appointment when you have a lot to talk about, and there is not a lot of time, or you are concerned that something is being overlooked. You can also use Health Heard to get a better picture of your health for yourself, or to see what’s going well.

Health Heard is especially useful if you are really busy, have trouble with paying attention to your health issues, or with focus, speaking up, or remembering what you might need to say.

We also provide guidance and additional support to help you to use the service and to communicate your concerns effectively.

We are here to help you #GetYourHealthHeard !

Now, we are getting ready to bring our full service to those of us who need it most, and to make sure that this comes with the support and encouragement we need along the way.

Health Heard are revitalising health and care from the patient upwards:

  • Developing a new health data framework for under-diagnosed conditions and disabilities that will help and support everyone to identify, track and report their symptoms effectively.
  • Making the invisible visible by gathering data and insights that are currently being missed, and putting this information to good use.
  • Creating new user-led support services to better fit individual needs, and ensure that no one is left behind.
  • Empowering people to better understand and express their health and care needs and to contribute and benefit more fully.

Our initial focus is on supporting those with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and the Hypermoblity Syndromes as these conditions are compex, debilitating yet chronically under-diagnosed and under served.

We are working with community groups and individuals to ensure that we are meeting the needs of these people, and those who care for them. We are sharing some of this research with the design community.

Health Heard recently participated in the ‘We In Social Tech‘ accelerator programme, an initiative of NWES and Made for Good, the Deustche Bank enterprise for social good.

Find out more at